Protester Erects New Aftermath Foundation Sign, Calls Attention to Alleged Scientology Abuse

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In a bold move aimed at raising awareness of alleged child trafficking and elder abuse within the Church of Scientology, protester Jessica Palmadessa recently took matters into her own hands. With a little time and creativity, she hand-drew a new sign for the Aftermath Foundation and erected it in a highly visible location.

The sign, spanning across six yard signs, bears a striking message: “Want out??? 956 752 8484.” This eye-catching display has drawn the attention of passersby, prompting many to stop and take pictures.

Palmadessa is just one of many individuals who have joined the ranks of protesters seeking to shed light on the alleged abuses within the Church of Scientology. Their efforts are part of a larger movement aimed at holding the organization accountable for its actions.

Credit for the unveiling of the new sign goes to Jessica Palmadessa, who shared a video of the installation on Twitter. The video has garnered significant attention, further amplifying the message of the protesters.

The Aftermath Foundation, which provides support to those who have left the Church of Scientology, has not officially commented on the new sign. However, it is clear that Palmadessa’s actions have sparked a conversation and drawn attention to an issue that many believe deserves greater scrutiny.

As the debate over the practices of the Church of Scientology continues, individuals like Palmadessa remain committed to shining a light on what they see as a grave injustice.

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